Mamatha Naveen
2 min readJun 22, 2021


The Gandhian virus

No one can deny

the harm you have done

But There. is something good

In covid too

You brought families together

You brought the nation together

To fight as one

Just like Gandhi united us in the past

Covid has united us in the present

The day a woman can walk freely on the roads at night, that day we can say that India has achieved independence.” Was his famous quote

Today I’m a doctor on covid duty.

doing night shifts

Returning home driving alone at midnight

Im sure Gandhi is reborn as COVID.

For who else. could. have made this happen

He always said

Change begins from you

Think before you act

Live life as if you die tomorrow

Learn as if you were to live forever

Be true to yourself

Care for Mother Earth

This is exactly what COVID did

You are him , aren’t you ?

Respect and treat everyone equally

is what he said

Covid proved that

Our sweepers, cleaners and house helps

Were so important to us

For without them we are such a big mess

It is the health that is the real wealth

And not pieces of gold and silver was his quote

Covid you proved every word of his without a doubt

He said home is the first school

mother our first teacher

Covid you made home our only school

And mother our best teacher

Just like every coin has two faces

And every story has two versions

You have two sides

The Gandhian side and the deadly grieve

Flip that coin to see what you receive





Mamatha Naveen

A writer, poet, doctor, mother of two lovely girls, bharathanatyam dancer , a keen bird watcher, a researcher and still a student for life.